Recipe Kits for Food Clubs
We have donated nutritious monthly recipe meal kits all packed in sustainable packaging to BS3 Food Club and Barton Hill Food Club. We always ensure our recipes are simple and budget friendly so members can easily make the recipes again.
Food clubs provide healthy food at low cost to people at risk of food insecurity. Club members save money, and by utilising surplus food, the service reduces levels of food waste across the country.
"The meal kits are really great, they always contain simple, cheap ingredients that create fabulous easy, tasty meals. My kids and I get to try something new, and often end up cooking them again in the future."
"The meal kits are an aspect of food club I really look forward to. I suffer from depression so motivating myself to cook proper meals is extremely hard work, when food club introduced the meal kits, suddenly cooking was easier."
"I really enjoy the meal kits, they have broadened my range of tasty meals to cook and with their easy-to-follow instructions, I can’t go wrong, and I keep the recipes for future reference too!"
"The meal kits are an aspect of food club I really look forward to. I suffer from depression so motivating myself to cook proper meals is extremely hard work. When food club introduced the meal kits, suddenly cooking was easier. All the ingredients ready together with easy to follow step by step instructions combined with plenty of encouragement to have a go from the food club staff, volunteers and other members. Most of the recipes were things I'd never tried before so it was something new. I've kept all the recipes".
“Just a quick note to let you know the feedback from the risotto was amazing. We had a member who would normally cook alone tell us she'd invited a friend over and they'd done it together and she was able to share food with another friend. Another person noted they wouldn't have had the energy to cook it had it not been pre-portioned. I think more and more people will get the confidence to cook the recipes and it's a lovely thing to look forward to so a huge Thank You all involved. It is a really brilliant addition to the Food Club offering and has definitely brightened up the start of the year!”